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Thank you for this vulnerable share. It happens to all of us! As someone who's worked in marketing, one thing I'd share is that you can keep saying the same thing hundreds of times. It will become old to you WAY before it becomes old to us, your audience. That seems counterintuitive to the way social media works but that has to do with how social media platforms do business and not to do with actual audience appetite. I could watch dozens more videos of you showing us how to make our own tshirts before I tired of the content and dozens more after that before I actually learned how to do it myself. If you made a t-shirt on theme for whatever was topical (holidays, events in your life, pop culture events), I'd watch it and love it. Now, that might not be as fun for you... but the vin diagram sweet spot is the thing you could talk about and do a million times and the thing we want to see a million times. ... Hopefully that's helpful! Ultimately when I read your newsletter I though about how on Drag Race, RuPaul often will stand in the workroom reviewing someone's ideas for the challenge and steer them away from their effort to do something new and "creative"... no rabbit-out-of-a-hat needed most days... Ru's favorite line is "You don't gotta reinvent the wheel." All that to say... I love your content... I hope you get everything you need to feel good as you keep going! And thank you for everything you share!

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Thank you so much for this! Lovely of you to say.

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